Farmoor Res 9th March

Farmoor Res 9th March

4 Med Gulls (all adults) in the roost this evening.

- Great Skuas - Farmoor. 2nd October
The tranquility of the Farmoor roost was shattered this evening by the arrival of a flock of Great Skuas. Two birds appeared at about 18.15 and powered through the gulls on F.2. panicking the entire roost. They made a couple of circuits of the reservoir,...

- Farmoor, 22nd July
The colour-ringed second summer Mediterranean Gull again in the roost as well as an adult. Yellow-legged Gulls at their peak at the moment with 30+ (mostly adults) at 21.00, and probably a lot more by dusk.  A juvenile Common Gull ...

- Farmoor 4th Dec A.m
Great northern Diver (juv) Sanderling Dunlin Stonechat (per The Wickster) Glaucous Gull 2nd w in the roost this evening. (per Nic) More info as always at the brilliant

- 4th December: Appleford Glaucous Gull
Jason Coppock has texted to say that there's a Glaucous gull (prob. 2nd winter) currently on the Spit Pit at Appleford. NB the level crossing is currently out of action so you need to approach from the Didcot end The bird flew off from the pit shortly...

- Farmoor 31st October
Caspian Gull (1st W) in Roost this evening (per R.B.A)

