Farmoor Res 2nd October

Farmoor Res 2nd October

Red-necked Grebe F2 12:05 (per RBA) but no sign late afternoon (per Lee Evans)

Rock Pipit 2 along western bank of F2 late afternoon (per Dai)

- Farmoor Res 26th November

- Farmoor 6th October
Black-necked Grebe courtesey of Dai  Black-necked Grebe 2 (D.J) on F2 08:40 still present this afternoon (John Gough) Red-necked Grebe (per Justin) Ringed Plover western end of causeway F1 (per Stephen Akers) Rock Pipit 4 at bottom of the causeway...

- Farmoor 4th October After The Rain Cleared
2 Rock Pipit west bank F2 near causeway 1 Common Sandpiper No sign of the Red-necked Grebe...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th March
Rock Pipit Late morning (per Clive Payne). No sign early afternoon. Peregrine Gareth Blockley...

- Port Meadow 30th September: Rock Pipit
Late afternoon: 1 rock pipit (this is a good bird for the Meadow, last was seen autumn '07) 3 yellow wagtail 3 ruff 11 dunlin 6 ringed plover c. 100 golden plover...

