Farmoor Res 17th April

Farmoor Res 17th April

Black Tern 2
Arctic Tern
Common Terns

(per Dai & Dave Daniels) 09:40

- Farmoor 19th August
1 Sandwich Tern a.m 3 Common Tern 4 Common Sandpiper 1 Ringed Plover 2 Redstart 1 Sandwich Tern p.m Terry Sherlock Dave Daniels and Dai. 2 Arctic Tern 1 Med Gull (1st S) (per Ewan)...

- Farmoor 26th August
Little Tern Arctic Tern Black Tern 6 still this evening 18:00 (per B.B) 1 Little Tern ( Juv) 1 Arctic Tern (Juv) 1 Black Tern 2 Common Tern 1 Whimbrel 1 Dunlin 7 Black-tailed Godwit Peter Allen & Dai ...

- Farmoor 24 August
A good passage of Terns today 2 Little Tern, 10 Arctic Tern, 30+ Black Tern and 8 Common Tern.Common Tern Black Tern Little Tern juv Little Tern juv...

- Farmoor (16:30-17:30)
Black tern - 22 Arctic tern - 2+ Common tern - 8+ Yellow wagtail - 1 m Clearly a day for tern passage at the reservoir, the Black terns were already present when i arrived and were then joined by a mixed flock of about 20 sterna terns that came in low...

- Farmoor 19th April
Sandwich Tern 2 F1 Arctic Tern 3 F2 Black Tern Curlew 2 Wheatear 3 Raven 2 Grasshopper Warbler 4 Dave Daniels Bob Hurst Dai John...

