Farmoor Res 11th January

Farmoor Res 11th January

Arctic Skua Dark morph c08:40 came in from the north over F1 being mobbed by gulls before moving off South from F2 seen again c09:00 in the S/W corner of F2 before flying off South
along Thames.

Pintail 13
Red-crested Pochard
Meadow Pipit c20

(Andy Last, Badger & Mike Youngman)

- Rushey Common 14th February
Red-crested Pochard 23 Egyptian Geese 3 Oystercatcher 3 (per Dave Doherty) Dix Pit Goldeneye 3 Low numbers of wildfowl (per Badger) Pit 60 Pintail c140 Goosander several Access only to North hide due to flooding (per SNT)...

- Appleton 15th July
Belated report of Probable Osprey NW of Abingdon at Appleton. Bird first seen flying from NNE direction at 20m. Appleton is about 4 and a half km south of Farmoor reservoir. Rested in Ash tree for c5mins until mobbed by locals, then flew approximately...

- Farmoor Res 23rd March
All on Farmoor 2 1200-1330 Red crested Pochard 2 pair Common Goldeneye 3 1m 2f Little Egret 1 Meadow Pipit 24  one flock -presumably migrants Also Sand Martin Egyptian Goose (per Dai) ...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 22nd February
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II 5 Red-crested Pochard 1 Little Egret Mike Youngman...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 6th September
Grey Plover - over east Tree Pipit - over east Whinchat - along ditch through cattle fields Common Sandpiper Little Egret - over south west Yellow Wagtail 4 - over south (3 dropped in briefly) Meadow Pipit 6 - over south Swallow 4 - over south Willow...

