Farmoor & Otmoor

Farmoor & Otmoor

A Greenshank reported at Otmoor & a Sanderling at Farmoor

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor Ii: 4th April
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Red-necked Grebe: along south side. 13:00. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I 2 House Martin: with group of c15 sand martins and 10 swallows. 12:20. Farmoor Reservoir: River Thames Barn Owl: hunting over shrike meadow and surrounding...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I: 1st August
Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor I Lesser Black-backed Gull: 1 dead adult - ringed. One metal ring on left leg with the following information; Vogeltrek Station, Arnhem-Holland, 5.414.673. 4 Yellow-legged Gull: At lease 4 - 2 adults, 1 2CY and at least 1 juv....

- Otmoor 15th June Am.
Glossy Ibis Bittern seen in flight twice independently by visiting birders over Big Otmoor and then landing on Greenaways. Little Egret c10 Quail (h) Common Tern x4 Greenshank x3 flew in mid morning probably the same ones from Farmoor (see previous post)...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 15th April
Yellow Wagtail Farmoor (c) Jon Mercer Farmoor Reservoir Pied Flycatcher: NEGATIVE. No sign of it around 12:00 to 13:00. Redstart: m. In hedge near the zig-zag path. Farmoor Reservoir: Farmoor II Swift 4 Little Gull: adults. sum plum. Farmoor...

- Common Cranes 25th March
3 Common Cranes flew North over Farmoor Reservoir at about 18:15 (per Ian Smith) 2 Common Cranes were then seen to land at Otmoor RSPB at 19:15 with a third bird circling before all three headed off N/E. (per Bark) 5 Little Gulls at Farmoor on F1 this...

