Farmoor 9th October

Farmoor 9th October

Marsh Harrier flew over heading S/E c14:23
Rock Pipit 2 along causeway
Meadow 1
Redpoll c30 Pinkhill
No sign of the R.T.Diver

(per Ian Smith)

More from the Res at The Insomniac Birder

- Farmoor Reservoir 25th February
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juv) Bittern nr Pinkhill again Barn Owl Little Owl Stonechat 3 on Buckthorn Meadow (per Dai) Insomniac Birder Farmoor Birds Bittern photo (c) Andy Moore ...

- Farmoor 13th October
Rock Pipit 1 (along the Causeway) Dunlin 2 Siskin (per The Wickster) More from the Res at The Insomniac Birder...

Rock Pipit (Badger)3 Med Gull (1stw 2ndw adw Badger et al) 5 Dunlin 1 Merlin (per The Wickster) 1 Hobby (per Ian Smith) 3 Common Scoter still on FII at 11:10a.m til c2p.m then flew off 1 Black-tailed Godwit (on raft nr car park per RBA) 1 Ringed Plover...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill: 28th June
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- Farmoor 27th October
5 Little Gull all 1st w flew through heading north at 14:35. Water Pipit still on south side of causeway but mobile. Rock Pipit Jack Snipe on Shrike Meadow. (per R.B.A) More Info The water pipit (c) David Fearn ...

