Farmoor 9th May

Farmoor 9th May

Common Sandpiper 4
Little Ringed Plover 1
Ringed Plover 3
Turnstone 1
Sanderling 4
Dunlin 23

- Farmoor 12th May
4 Oystercatcher 1 Turnstone 1 Common Sandpiper 1 Sanderling 22 Dunlin 1 Ringed Plover 1 Raven 3 Little Egret ...

- Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 6th August
Ringed Plover: Took off from Causeway - flew over Farmoor 2. 2 Common Sandpiper Turnstone: On Farmoor 1 side of Causeway before angler huts. Carol Monger...

- Port Meadow (13:15 - 15:00)
Golden Plover - 7 Black Tailed Godwit - 7 (1 adult) Ringed Plover - 7 Little Ringed Plover - 1juv Ruff - 2 juvs Greenshank - 1 Dunlin - 3 Common Sand - 6 Wheatear -1 Yellow Wagtail - 1 Ringed Plover count risen to 16 by 16:30 (Gnome) ...

- Farmoor 17th July
Sanderling 7 Turnstone 2 Redshank 2 Dunlin 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Oystercatcher 2 Ringed Plover 1 The Insomniac Birder ...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 30th May

