Farmoor 6th Sept - Little Tern

Farmoor 6th Sept - Little Tern

By 19:00:
now 14 Black Terns
(per Dai John & then Jason Coppock)

- Farmoor 24 August
A good passage of Terns today 2 Little Tern, 10 Arctic Tern, 30+ Black Tern and 8 Common Tern.Common Tern Black Tern Little Tern juv Little Tern juv...

- Farmoor Yesterday And Today
juv Arctic Tern; a poor effort in the gloom At Farmoor yesterday evening: 1 juv Arctic Tern 5 (2 juv, 3 ad) Common Terns 1 Greenshank 1 juv Dunlin c20 Y-l Gulls 4 GB-b Gulls 1 juv Common Gull c30 Yellow Wags Geoff and Roger Wyatt have...

- Farmoor (16:30-17:30)
Black tern - 22 Arctic tern - 2+ Common tern - 8+ Yellow wagtail - 1 m Clearly a day for tern passage at the reservoir, the Black terns were already present when i arrived and were then joined by a mixed flock of about 20 sterna terns that came in low...

- Farmoor 19th November
Dai John found some good birds on Farmoor this morning: 1 great northern diver 1 black-necked grebe (14:15 at least per Dave Lowe) 1 sanderling 2 Dunlin (per Dave Lowe) 1 barn owl c. 25 goldeneye 3 common gulls Black-necked Grebe F1 early afternoon....

- Farmoor 7th Sept - Black Terns
c. 14 BLACK TERNS on F2 at 18:00 (per Jason Coppock) Also: 1st winter Med gull 2+ common gulls 1st winter yellow-legged gull (c) Jason Coppock ...

