Farmoor 5th November

Farmoor 5th November

Red-necked Grebe
Water Rail 2
Jack Snipe 2
Little Owl 1
Redshank 1
Dunlin 1

- Iffley Meadows 5th Jan
2 Jack Snipe 16 Snipe 2 Cormorant 1 Kestrel 1 Buzzard 1 Water Rail (calling) 8 Meadow Pipit 15+ Redwing 1 Bullfinch ...

- Otmoor.a.m 10th April.
6+ Chiffchaff 5 Water Rail 1 Barn Owl 25 Golden Plover 3 Sand Martin 1 Jack Snipe...

- Iffley Meadows 24th Feb
1 Water Rail 5 Common Snipe 1 Jack Snipe 8 Meadow Pipit 9 Redwing W P Bull....

- Farmoor Tuesday 30th Nov
Black-necked Grebe Great northern Diver (juv) Med Gull (adult) (per R.B.A) And the superb Jack Snipe on Pinkhill...

- 23rd October
Yellow legs still on the Meadow at Midday + Jack Snipe. No sign of the Red necked Grebe at Farmoor today....

