Farmoor 30th August
Black Tern (c) Paranoid Birder The Paranoid Birder
Adult Med Gull (c) Nic Hallam |
Black Tern 8 on F2 07:09 increasing to 14 late p.m
Med Gull 2 (ad & juv) in roost (NJH)
Little Stint (juv)
Dunlin 8
Ringed Plover 2
(per Dai)The Insomniac Birder
Farmoor 19th September
Curlew Sandpiper along causeway Greenshank Ringed Plover 5 13:15 (per Ewan) Redshank Common Tern 2 Black Tern F1 11:50 (per Tezzer) 08:58 (per Dai) Black Tern photo courtesy of Dai The Insomniac Birder ...
Farmoor 9th March
Kittiwake 2 Little Gull 2 Scaup 4 Oystercatcher 1 Redshank 1 Ringed Plover 3 Golden Plover 6 Med Gull 2 Adult and a first winter. Glaucous Gull 1st winter ( per Ian Smith ) Barn Owl 2 Water Rail 2 Chiffchaff 1 Rock Pipit 3 Sand ...
Farmoor September 26th
Common Tern 3 Arctic Tern 1 Redshank 1 Dunlin 3 Wheatear 1 The Insomniac Birder...
Farmoor 15th Sept
Sanderling (c) The Paranoid Birder Sanderling 2 Dunlin 5 Ringed Plover Greenshank (over) Common Sandpiper Wheatear Yellow Wagtail 5 (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder...
Farmoor 31st August