Farmoor 2nd August

Farmoor 2nd August

5 Whimbrel
1 Turnstone
10 Common Sandpiper
1 Ringed Plover
10 Common Tern
1 Arctic Tern (juv)

- Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway: 2nd May
Farmoor Reservoir: Causeway 6 Dunlin 2 Ringed Plover Common Sandpiper 4 Arctic Tern 2 Common Tern Farmoor Reservoir: Pinkhill 2 Garden Warbler Patrick Bryan...

- Farmoor 23rd May
Shelduck 2 Barnacle Goose 2 Ringed Plover 14 Turnstone 1 Dunlin 2 Common Sandpiper 1 Arctic Tern 1 Common Tern 5 Common Swift 1500 House Martin 100+ Dai, Ewan & Clackers Barnacle Geese ...

- Farmoor 19th August
1 Sandwich Tern a.m 3 Common Tern 4 Common Sandpiper 1 Ringed Plover 2 Redstart 1 Sandwich Tern p.m Terry Sherlock Dave Daniels and Dai. 2 Arctic Tern 1 Med Gull (1st S) (per Ewan)...

- Farmoor 17th August
1 Sandwich Tern 1 Arctic Tern (juv) 5 Common Tern 2 Turnstone 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Ringed Plover 1 Redstart  Egyptian Goose The Insomniac Birder ...

- Farmoor 26th August
Little Tern Arctic Tern Black Tern 6 still this evening 18:00 (per B.B) 1 Little Tern ( Juv) 1 Arctic Tern (Juv) 1 Black Tern 2 Common Tern 1 Whimbrel 1 Dunlin 7 Black-tailed Godwit Peter Allen & Dai ...

