Farmoor 2nd August

Farmoor 2nd August

c100 Common Tern southern end of F2
14:30 (per Dai)

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

- Farmoor 24th September
Ruff along causeway this a.m (per Dai) Common Sandpiper Belated report of a Rock Pipit on Sunday (per Matt Prior) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android...

- Farmoor 25th August
Osprey over F2 08:13 (per Dai) Curlew Sandpiper 2 over c10:25 Whimbrel Black Tern 1 Common Tern 80+ Wigeon 7 No further sign of the Osprey by 10:30 (per Dai) The Insomniac Birder Yellow Wagtail 5 Sand Martin 200+ House Martin 200+ Swallow 100+ Yellow...

- Farmoor 14th August
Knot briefly c09:00 Ringed Plover 2 Common Sandpiper 3 Redshank Yellow-legged Gull (per Dai & Dave Daniels) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Farmoor 7th June
Black Tern 5 F2 10:25 (per Dai) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

Farmoor Res is closed today. (per Dai) 09:00 Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

