Farmoor 29th February

Farmoor 29th February

Bittern courtesy of Dai

Bittern showing occasionally on the Pinkhill
Reserve from the new hide.
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs).
Barn Owl 2
Water Rail (h)
Cetti's Warbler 2

(per Dai et al)

- Farmoor 1st March
Bittern showing well at times from the Pinkhill Reserve Hide 13:10 (per Ewan)....

- Farmoor Reservoir 27th February
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) Bittern Dunlin Stonechat (per Dave Lowe) Bittern photo courtesy of Dave Lowe. ...

- Farmoor Res 22nd February
Great northern Diver 2 (both juvs) F1 Goldeneye 8 Curlew Barn Owl Little Owl (per Dai)...

- Farmoor 16th December
Great Northern Diver 2 (both juvs) still on F2 in N/E corner and showing well 11:50 (per Roger Wyatt)...

- Farmoor Reservoir 1st November
Red-necked Grebe on F1 this p.m Rock Pipit along causeway Pinkhill Barn Owl Water Rail Cetti's Warbler Fieldfare Siskin 2 (Andy Last, Badger)...

