Farmoor 28th September

Farmoor 28th September

Red-necked Grebe (D.L) along western
edge of  F1 15:00 (per Dai)

Yellow-legged Gull
Shelduck 3
Ringed Plover 3
Whimbrel (h)
Common Sandpiper
Yellow Wagtail

Courtesy of John Reynolds

Please view at 1080p HD
Courtesy of Mark Chivers
The Early Birder
Courtesy of John Reynolds

- Farmoor 1st September
It's the magic number... Ringed Plover, Little Stint & Dunlin courtesy of Mark Merritt. 2 Little Stints along the causeway at 15:30 but no further sign by early evening. 2 Ringed Plover9 Dunlin2 Whimbrel1 Common Sandpiper4 Black Tern19+Yellow...

- Otmoor Rspb 24th August
1st Screen a.m Marsh Harrier Green Sandpiper 3 Common Sandpiper Ringed Plover Whinchat (near Wetlands Watch Hide) (per John Reynolds) Photo courtesy of John Reynolds...

- Otmoor. 17th. August.
Whinchat courtesy of TezzerYellow Wagtails, Pied Wagtail and Wheatear (c) Jim Hutchins Long Meadow   Redstart.  8. (min.) Pill                     Whinchat. 3. Marsh Harrier.  3 (Per...

- Otmoor.a.m. 16th October.
                                                            Bittern (per John Reynolds)   ...

- Farmoor 30th September

