Farmoor 22nd Aug evening

Farmoor 22nd Aug evening

10 Yellow Wagtail
1 Ruff
1 Dunlin
4 Common Sandpiper

1 Mediterranean Gull juv (per Ian Smith)

- Farmoor Res 12th September
Little Tern 5 09:35 but no further sign by 10:14 (per Dai & Steve Burch) Black Tern 4 (increasing to 6 early evening per Dai) Yellow Wagtail 6 Including one Blue-headed. (per Anthony Cheke) Ruff 1 juv m Dunlin 1 juv Ringed Plover 1...

- Farmoor 26th August
No sign of juvenile Red-necked Grebe by 20:00 Common Sandpiper 10 Ringed Plover 1 Dunlin 3+ Ruff 1 (Dai & Ewan, Badger,Lasty,Mark Chivers & Ian Smith) Little Gull 1 (juv) Med Gull (juv) this evening Black Tern 4 Arctic Tern 1 Wheatear...

- Farmoor: 30th April
Little Gull, 1st summer - Farmoor 2 (ad. also reported, Graham Soden) 2-4 Arctic Tern - Farmoor 2 40+ Swifts (60+ reported earlier, Graham Soden) White Wagtail - Water Treatment Works Ringed Plover - Causeway (Graham Soden) 5 Dunlin - 2 Causeway &...

- Farmoor 29th August
Juvenile Mediterranean Gull Farmoor photo courtesey of Nic Hallam 1 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 3 Yellow Wagtail 1 Mediterranean Gull Juv (Per Tom Wickens) Dix Pit 1 Mandarin 7 Red Crested Pochard...

- Farmoor Res 27th August
Mediterranean Gull 1 first winter Curlew Sandpiper 1 flew round Farmoor 2 but did not land Ringed Plover 1 Yellow Wagtail 4...

