Farmoor 21st Evening

Farmoor 21st Evening

Black Tern 5
Dunlin 1
Curlew 3

(excuse the dodgy iphone scoped record shots )

Black Tern above and Below courtesey of Mark Chivers
The Early Birder

- Farmoor Res 12th September
Little Tern 5 09:35 but no further sign by 10:14 (per Dai & Steve Burch) Black Tern 4 (increasing to 6 early evening per Dai) Yellow Wagtail 6 Including one Blue-headed. (per Anthony Cheke) Ruff 1 juv m Dunlin 1 juv Ringed Plover 1...

- Farmoor Res 31st August
Curlew Sandpipers  2 seen along the causeway late afternoon (per Dai) Black Tern 26 by 12:54 Arctic Tern 3 Little Gull (juv) Dunlin Ringed Plover 3 Whimbrel over early a.m (per Dai, Tezzer, Ewan & Mark Chivers) Black Tern...

- Farmoor 29th August
                               Curlew Sandpiper 2 N/W corner of F1 19:30                            ...

- Farmoor 5th September
Black Tern 11 Common Tern 20+ Ringed Plover 11 No sign of any Little Stints (per Dai) Black Tern courtesey of Mark ChiversThe Early Birder ...

- Farmoor 2nd September
Photo courtesey of Dai The Insomniac Birder                     Black-necked Grebe on F2 in NW corner this afternoon still present on F2 17:45                                                                    ...

