Farmoor 14th Aug

Farmoor 14th Aug

2 Black Tern (1juv)  F1
3 Ruff (1 over)
4 Ringed Plover
c100 Golden Plover over
8 common terns on res, plus 2 flocks of 30 and 15 through

(per Dave Lowe)

3 black tern
1 arctic tern
Possible scaup reported
(Per Geoff wyatt & Peter law)

Ruff © Peter Law

- Farmoor Res 31st August
Curlew Sandpipers  2 seen along the causeway late afternoon (per Dai) Black Tern 26 by 12:54 Arctic Tern 3 Little Gull (juv) Dunlin Ringed Plover 3 Whimbrel over early a.m (per Dai, Tezzer, Ewan & Mark Chivers) Black Tern...

- Farmoor 26th August
No sign of juvenile Red-necked Grebe by 20:00 Common Sandpiper 10 Ringed Plover 1 Dunlin 3+ Ruff 1 (Dai & Ewan, Badger,Lasty,Mark Chivers & Ian Smith) Little Gull 1 (juv) Med Gull (juv) this evening Black Tern 4 Arctic Tern 1 Wheatear...

- Farmoor 29th August
                               Curlew Sandpiper 2 N/W corner of F1 19:30                            ...

- Farmoor 19th August
1 Sandwich Tern a.m 3 Common Tern 4 Common Sandpiper 1 Ringed Plover 2 Redstart 1 Sandwich Tern p.m Terry Sherlock Dave Daniels and Dai. 2 Arctic Tern 1 Med Gull (1st S) (per Ewan)...

- Farmoor 26th August
Little Tern Arctic Tern Black Tern 6 still this evening 18:00 (per B.B) 1 Little Tern ( Juv) 1 Arctic Tern (Juv) 1 Black Tern 2 Common Tern 1 Whimbrel 1 Dunlin 7 Black-tailed Godwit Peter Allen & Dai ...

