Farmoor 10th July

Farmoor 10th July

A first summer Common Tern this afternoon, an unfamiliar plumage at Farmoor. The juvenile Mediterranean Gull again in the roost, presumably this bird hasn't travelled too far......
5 summer plumaged Black-tailed Godwits.

- Farmoor: 29th February
Mediterranean Gull; adult full summer plumage, early roost...

- July Round-up
Spotted Flycatcher (c) Andy Last In what is the quietest month in the birding calender July still held a few surprises. The Female Marsh Harrier continued its residency at Otmoor throughout with a male bird seen at Standlake on the 5th. Last months...

- Otmoor Late Afternoon 3rd July
Ashgrave 6 Black Tailed Godwits ( 5 in full summer plumage) 5 eclipse Wigeon 12 Teal 1 Garganey 7 Redshank 6 Green Sandpipers...

- Ring-billed Gull - Farmoor - 2nd April.
A first summer Ring-billed Gull was in the Farmoor roost this evening. First seen quite close in to the southern shore of F.2 at about 18.10, it then almost immediately flew to the centre of the reservoir. It was then watched briefly, but very well, from...

- Port Meadow (1-2pm)
Grey Plover - 1 (a more advanced summer plumage bird than that videoed by Adam yesterday morning. Bar Tailed Godwit - 25 Garganey - 3 (2 drake) Common Tern - 2...

