Farmoor 1

Mid morning
Regrettably no sign of the Snow Bunting on Causeway
Dunlin 2
Ruff 2
Eurasian Wigeon 5
Common Teal 4
Hybrid Canada x Greylag goose family still present
Male Greylag /Female Canada plus 4 hybrid young
Dorchester Gravel Pits Webs Count 10th March
Little Grebe 2 Gt Crested Grebe 24 Mute Swan 8 Canada Goose 14 Wigeon 256 Gadwall 11 Teal 8 Mallard 60 Shoveller 67 Pochard 29 Tufted Duck 216 Goldeneye 1 Cormorant 14 Coot 215 Moorhen 8 Black-headed Gull 41 Greylag 1 Shelduck 1 Common Gull 5 L.B.B. Gull...
Rspb Otmoor Webs Count 3rd Feb
Mute swan 55, Greylag goose 243, Canada goose 329, Wigeon 3421, Gadwall 20, Teal 2197, Mallard 154, Pintail 184, Shoveler 255, Pochard 52, Tufted duck 29, Great crested grebe 1, Cormorant 3, Grey heron 5, Moorhen 3, Coot 153, Golden plover 3740, Lapwing...
Standlake Pit 60 19th January
Good numbers of ducks listed below. Counts are approximate as large numbers in dense groups and crowded along shore lines. Teal c 1000 Wigeon 600+ Pintail c 50 Goldeneye 2 (m&f) Ruff 1 Snipe 5 Curlew 1 (isn't this a bit early?) Little egret 1...
Farmoor (oct 29th 8-10am)
no sign of last nights snow bunting Rock Pipit - 1 Aythya hybrid - 1 (m) Goldeneye - 2 Redpoll - 2 Common Sand - 1 Redshank - 1 with Tom and Dai....
Cholsey 9th Dec
4 Arches - Cholsey Marsh - Bow Bridge - Winterbrook Cloudy 1º 1 Greylag Goose 76 Canada Goose 2 Shovelor 2 Wigeon 4 Teal 2 Tufted Duck 5 Goosander 1 Great Crested Grebe 20+ Cormorant 4 Grey Heron 10 Red Kite 4 Buzzard 1 Sparrowhawk 2 Kestrel 30+ Moorhen...