Farmoor 1 March 15

This Mallard has been present usually near the yacht marina for the last three years. It is always in this intriguing plumage variation which appears to be a combination of mostly eclipse plumage with some male plumage. See
Common Goldeneye 26 [5 males 3 imm males and 18 females]
Gadwall 4
Common ChiffChaff 1 singing
Farmoor: 19th April
c.14 Common Terns across both reservoirs Farmoor 1 2 Goldeneye (pair) Farmoor 2 3 Common Sandpipers Yellow Wagtail (over) Pinkhill / River Thames area Cuckoo (male calling) 4/5 Reed Warbler (singing males) Several Sedge Warblers singing Water Rail Shrike...
Farmoot Gull Roost Extras
Add to the gull roost: - Leaving the 'common' birds for Nick to find.... The rarest bird of the roost.... a Black-headed Gull with partial albino plumage; completely white flight feathers and wing coverts. 2nd only such plumage I have noted in...
Port Meadow March 28
Little Ringed Plover 2 Ruff 2 Common Redshank 3 Common Shelduck 3 Northern Pintail 2 Common ChiffChaff 2 singing males Port Meadow Oystercatcher Gadwall Willow Warbler Sydney Penner...
Farmoor March 26th
Pinkhill Blackcap 1 singing male Common ChiffChaff 2 singing males Common Snipe 2 Common Teal 5 Shrike Meadow Kingfisher 2 on river...
Farmoor I March 21
Black Redstart 1 still present at 1200 around the works and viewable from the perimeter track of Farmoor 1. It is in female type plumage which some second calendar year male birds show (see BWP Vol 5 p 693) It was also singing quietly to itself when first...