Farmoor, 19th April

Farmoor, 19th April

An excellent Arctic Tern passage all week with 15+  today. Several birds alighted on the causeway for short periods before resuming feeding. 

Six Dunlin on the causeway plus a Little Ringed Plover. The first winter Mediterranean Gull on F.2 all day plus two Little Gulls (adult and first summer). 22+ Yellow Wagtails including a 'Channel Wagtail' near the bus shelter, perhaps the same as the one seen on 16th...

- Farmoor 21st April
The Black-headed Gull passage more or less over. The first summer Mediterranean Gull still around. 5 Arctic Terns this evening. Yellow Wagtail count up to 24, including the above "Channel" Wagtail....

- Farmoor 10th April
Water Pipit. along causeway still at 17:34 (per Ewan) Rock Pipit Yellow Wagtail 2 House Martin 2+ Swallow 5+ Grey Plover (over) Black-tailed Godwit 5 (over) Ringed Plover Dunlin Sanderling Common Sandpiper Oystercatcher 2                                 ...

- Farmoor 26th July
66 Yellow-legged Gulls counted on F.1 this evening + 2 juvenile Mediterranean Gulls.  The  second summer Mediterranean Gull (2XA5) seen last week was ringed at Sandycove, County Dublin in November 2011. It wintered in southern Portugal and...

- Farmoor, 22nd July
The colour-ringed second summer Mediterranean Gull again in the roost as well as an adult. Yellow-legged Gulls at their peak at the moment with 30+ (mostly adults) at 21.00, and probably a lot more by dusk.  A juvenile Common Gull ...

- Farmoor 24th March
This drake Garganey was a surprise this morning feeding in amongst the gulls in the middle of F.1. Still present this evening. The long staying adult Little Gull all day in it's favourite section of F.2. just off the causeway. Second summer Mediterranean...

