Duxford 6th January

Duxford 6th January

10 White-fronted Goose In flooded field north of Duxford towards Thames.

J Dexter

Barn Owl and Peregrine interaction Duxford. The Barn Owl was unscathed. Courtesy of Jeremy Dexter. ...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 10th January
Grimsbury Reservoir 3 Goosander: 2 drk. 2 Lesser Redpoll: One ringed bird (couldn't get ring details). 19 Snipe: In wet field to NW of reservoir. 22 Lapwing: In flooded fields north of reservoir. 32 Wigeon: In flooded fields north of reservoir. 13...

- January Review
White-fronted Geese on Otmoor (c) Andy Last In what we hope will be a regular monthly feature on the O.B.L,local birder and artist Andy Last has very kindly agreed do to a painting of a chosen species each month which has occurred in Oxfordshire....

- Kings Lock: 26th January
26th January Kings Lock 8 Goosander: 4m 4rh. These 8 flew over going upriver. Highest count on the water was only 1M+1RH. 45 Barnacle Goose: 45 together was a quite a sight! Feeding with the grelyags and canadas. Mouth of River Evenlode 4 Bar-headed...

- Chimney: Chimney Meadows: 8th January
Chimney: Chimney Meadows 250 Teal: Multitudes of ducks and gulls on flooded fields between Chimney and Duxford but not accessible from Chimney side, and too distant for resolution. Water Rail: Grunting and squealing from flooded scrub by car park. 2...

