Dutchman hiding out at Abingdon
Kees Camphuysen has quickly responded to say this LB-back was ringed as an adult male on 28 May 2006 at breeding colony in Texel, on the Dutch coast, 435.1 kms distant. The lack of a metal ring is intentional on birds ringed at this particular colony and the M on the colour ring denotes male. Since ringing, it has been seen 70 times at the colony and bred there just twice.
But until yesterday M.AAK had never been reported from anywhere else !

Colour Ringed Sanderling At Farmoor
This Sanderling was on the causeway this morning. The unique combination of colour rings has enabled the bird to be traced back to its original ringing date when it was ringed as a nesting female at Zackenberg in northern Greenland on 8th July 2011 as...
Port Meadow: 25th August
Port Meadow 8 Black-tailed Godwit: Ringed adult has white over yellow on right leg and orange flag over green on left leg. If it also has a metal ring below the knee on the left leg, then it is likely to be from the G02 scheme ringed in Moeze Oleron,...
Ringed Black-necked Grebe - The Challenge
One of the Farmoor Res male birds has a large bright metal ring on its right leg. When it preens or dives the ring becomes visible. I am sure that the numerous Photographers might already have or be able to obtain enough of a freeze frame picture to ID...
Colour Ringed Kittiwake 25/04/11
I haven't got official feedback from BTO or the ringing group for this bird but have some information from Birdforum. It would seem I got the ring combination wrong and mistook a metal ring as a white plastic ring, meaning the bird I saw had the ring...
Colour-ringed Waxwing Report
Colours: LRB Ring NW49487 Date Location Age/sex Obs Dist dir Notes 27/11/10 Aberdeen 4f LC/RD/JL/EW 21/12/10 Taunton 4f Hyrax 685km SSW Resighting 03/03/11 Bayswater Rd, Oxford 4f Peter Barker 152km NE Resighting. 05/03/11...