

7 possible Bewick's Swans (3 ad, 4 juv) in field near the Dorchester bypass (with Mute Swans) but flew off, although seen later flying back to the general area. (per TW)

- Dorchester: Dorchester Complex: 8th September
Dorchester: Dorchester complex Whinchat 2 Egyptian Goose 30 Wigeon Thomas Stevenson...

- Dorchester 5th Jan 1.45 P.m
The 6 Bewick's Swans were still with Mute Swans in the field next to the road to Drayton st.leonard this afternoon. 10 Common gull and 2 Goldeneye on Drayton pit....

Six Bewick's swans still in field beside road to Drayton St. Leonard. Two Goldeneye at Drayton Road pit One redhead Smew seen at Allen pit, along with numerous Wigeon and Coot, plus Tufted Ducks, Gadwall, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant and Mute...

- Shifford Bewick's 14th Dec A.m
8 Bewick's Swans (1 juv) 37 Mute Swans 2 Red Kite Some of the Bewick's Swans at Shifford (c) Badger ...

- 4 "winter Swans" At Shifford
Apparently Tony Edwards has found 4 "winter swans" - probably Bewick's though they were rather distant - in amongst the large mute swan flock that overwinter in the Shifford area....

