Dix Pit 15th November

Dix Pit 15th November

Yellow-legged Gull 2+
Goldeneye 4 (1m)
Wigeon 400+
Egyptian Goose 2

(Dave Lowe, Badger)

- Port Meadow: 13th November
Port Meadow 4 Yellow-legged Gull: ad. 9 Egyptian Goose 50 Teal 20 Wigeon 40 Lapwing 4 Great Black-backed Gull: ad. Adam Hartley...

- Farmoor 17th August Evening
Peregrine 3 Dunlin 2 common sandpiper 2 yellow wagtail Barn Owl Sparrowhawk Per Dave Lowe & Andy last Yellow-legged Gull 54+ Common Gull Great black-backed Gull (per Lew)...

- Dorchester Gravel Pits Webs Count 10th March
Little Grebe 2 Gt Crested Grebe 24 Mute Swan 8 Canada Goose 14 Wigeon 256 Gadwall 11 Teal 8 Mallard 60 Shoveller 67 Pochard 29 Tufted Duck 216 Goldeneye 1 Cormorant 14 Coot 215 Moorhen 8 Black-headed Gull 41 Greylag 1 Shelduck 1 Common Gull 5 L.B.B. Gull...

- Port Meadow 17th November
Caspian Gull again in the roost this evening Yellow-legged Gull 3 Golden Plover c1000 Dunlin 6 Redshank (Dave Lowe Gnome & Badger) Port Meadow Birding...

- Farmoor Reservoir: 16th September
White Wagtail (juv) Caught by Matt Prior and shown during the ring demo. 2 Sanderling (juv) 3 Dunlin Sand Martin: One seen early morning. 300 House Martin: Varying numbers all morning but at some points well over 300. 25 Meadow Pipit: Steady flow of birds...

