Dix Pit 12th May

Dix Pit 12th May

Red Crested Pochard 8m
Garden Warbler
Reed Warbler

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 6th July
Green Sandpiper 4 Lapwing 45 Garden Warbler Reed Warbler Sedge Warbler Whitethroat (per Alan Peters) Access to the reserve requires a key....

- Rushey Common Area 16th May
Red Crested Pochard several males, at least one female with c7 very small young Sedge Warbler Reed Warbler Little Egret Egyptian Geese 3 Whimbrel - flew in from west calling. settled for 2-3 mins and then chased off by Coots. Flew east along lake towards...

- Standlake: 2nd July
1 Green Sandpiper 1 Common Sandpiper 3 Oystercatcher 1 Hobby 2 Little Egret 1 Pochard 1 Wigeon 7 Gadwall Garden Warbler, Reed Warbler, Blackcap, etc....

- Otmoor And Farmoor
Otmoor 9 Warbler species this morningLesser WhitethroatCommon WhitethroatGarden WarblerWillow WarblerChiffchaffBlackcapGrasshopper WarblerSedge WarblerReed Warbler Farmoor9 Little Gulls on F1 until 0845 (when they flew off high to the east)...

- Cholsey, 12th April

