Dipper Showing Now!

Dipper Showing Now!

Dipper is showing now (13:45) at the weir per Nigel Forrow

- Witney 26th Nov Dipper Still
Dipper Thanks to yesterday's tip off, I managed to see the dipper on my 3rd attempt. A new Oxfordshire species for me! It was showing well at New Mill around 3pm this afternoon....

- Witney Dipper 4th October
Dipper showing well this morning at the weir between 9-30 and 11-00 (per Pete Styles) (c) Pete Styles ...

- Witney Dipper
Dipper was feeding at the second weir around 4:15 today. As the stepping stones are under water I crossed the lasher and walked through the undergrowth to the second weir. It's not much of a track but you can get through. It was hidden underneath...

- Crawley Weir 2nd Oct 1:15pm To 2:30pm - Dipper Sighted
The Dipper was present at the weir when I arrived at 1:15pm giving great views on the right hand side of the channel by the rocks. It then ventured into the centre of the channel to feed by the rocks where it remained on and off until 2:30pm despite being...

- Crawley Weir 28th Sept - Dipper Not Seen 11:45am To 4pm
Grey Wagtail at Crawley Weir © Nigel ForrowNo Dipper3 Grey Wagtails1 Kingfisher1 polite Police notice (no parking ticket):"Please refrain from parking on the pavement at this location. We have received complaints regarding obstructions caused by vehicles....

