

Dipper at New Mill this morning (8.30)
No sign 10:30-11:30 (Badger)

- New Mill Witney 3rd March
Dipper again at New Mill this morning. (per Graham Coleman)...

- Crawley 27th January
Dipper again this morning at New Mill. (per Terry Tossel)...

- Dipper
Chris Martin reports a Dipper at New Mill on the Windrush this morning....

- Dipper Stonesfield 7th May
Dipper at Stonesfield Common. At 6.50 this a.m while stood by the Evenlode at Stonesfield Common, a Dipper flew upstream past me within 15 feet calling, it then crossed the flat area of the Common before rejoining the river and was eventually lost to...

- 12th December: New Mill Witney
No sign of the dipper in a very brief visit to New Mill this afternoon though I met a lady who had seen it earlier in the day and also had just seen a waxwing in the rowan trees in the visitor's car park there....

