Devil's Punchbowl 21st September

Devil's Punchbowl 21st September

Wheatear (f) Devil's Punchbowl courtesey of Mr Merritt

Meadow Pipit 55
Probable Merlin

- Devil's Punchbowl: 14th March
Devil's Punchbowl Wheatear: f. Mark Merritt...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 28th April
Devil's Punchbowl Merlin: m. Mark Merritt...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 7th October
Devil's Punchbowl Merlin: f. Heavy with (unidentified) prey... 2 Stonechat: m&f. Mark Merritt...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 20th July
Devil's Punchbowl 2 Wheatear: 1 juv, 1 unresolved flying black t. 4 Corn Bunting Mark Merritt...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 20th April
Devil's Punchbowl 4 Corn Bunting: 3 singing males. Whinchat: f. 6 Wheatear: 3m3f. Mark Merritt...

