Devil's Punchbowl: 9th November

Devil's Punchbowl: 9th November

Devil's Punchbowl
3 Short-eared Owl

Victoria Wren

- Devil's Punchbowl: 4th April
Devil's Punchbowl Short-eared Owl 19:20. Colin Vickers...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 27th March
Devil's Punchbowl Short-eared Owl 17:10. Colin Vickers...

- Devil's Punchbowl: 17th August
Devil's Punchbowl Marsh Harrier: fem/juv. Seen twice. Taken for a kite at first glance but bins revealed a darker bird, with a square-ended tail. Typical flight observed (somehow ponderous and graceful!) over wheat fields as bird disappeared East...

- Devil's Punchbowl 18th November
  Kestrel (c) Peter Law 3 Short-eared Owls 2 Harris Hawk 500+ Fieldfare (per Peter Law) Devil's Punchbowl ...

- Sparsholt: Sparsholt Firs/tower: 17th November
17th November Sparsholt: Sparsholt Firs/Tower Brambling 2 Raven: Cronking away. Devil's Punchbowl 5 Grey Partridge: At least. Red-legs by the score. Mark Merritt...

