Cuddesdon: 14th December

Cuddesdon: 14th December

At least 50 Lesser Redpolls feeding in set-aside near the River Thame
120 Lapwing
8 Teal
1 Little Grebe
1 Kingfisher

- Marcham Garden
Blackcap male feeding on Ivy berries and fat balls each day of April, along with Redpolls (including one Mealy?) on Nyger seed. These are STILL the wintering birds, whilst the first Blackbird nestling corpse has also turned up on the ground. What next...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 18th November
Grimsbury Reservoir Brambling: In scrub by the river (heard only). Lesser Redpoll Kingfisher: Possibly 2. Gareth Blockley...

- Stonesfield Common
Little Owl 7 Lesser Redpolls ...

- Cuddesdon: 17th January
Cuddesdon 16 Golden Plover: Near Wheatley Rd / Cuddesdon Rd junction. SU590040. Peter Law...

- Milcombe Wednesday 2nd February: Mealy Redpolls
Both Nic Hallam and Ian Lewington have informed me that the top right-hand bird in the video is in fact a mealy redpoll as is the one in the photograph below so although I didn't find the "super-mealy" there were at least two others around! 4+ lesser...

