Crowmarsh Gifford 28th March

Crowmarsh Gifford 28th March

Osprey over Crowmarsh Gifford at 12:30
Peregrine over yesterday

(per The Bald Birder)

- Crowmarsh Gifford 24th February
Reports of a dead seagull in the grounds of the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Crowmarsh Gifford this morning led to the discovery of a dead adult kittiwake. It was freshly dead and according to Bjornn Beckman appeared to have died in situ (rather...

- Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh: 25th November
Battle Farm, Preston Crowmarsh 9 Grey Partridge Thomas Stevenson...

- Crowmarsh Gifford 14th May
At 13:55 this afternoon, I was treated to the incongruous sight of an adult male Hen Harrier floating low above Benson Lane, Crowmarsh Gifford, before heading over my office and down to the Thames. (per Richard Broughton Oxonbirds) ...

- Crowmarsh Gifford 6th March
Ring-necked Parakeet Crowmarsh Gifford this morning. (per RK Broughton Oxonbirds )...

3 Spotted Flycatchers on Benson lane, Crowmarsh, today. (per RK Broughton Oxonbirds)...

