Crog hill: 21 August

Crog hill: 21 August

Crog Hill is near Seven Barrows and just in Oxon!

Whinchat 3

- Lark Hill 31st August
WRYNECK still along track off Lark Hill at 15:30 (per Dave Lowe). On track until flushed by cyclists and flew east into small elderflower copse 50 yards from track. though elusive. Still present at 18:00 on Lark Hill track, to the South of...

- Lark Hill 31st August: Wryneck
Wryneck along track between Lark Hill and Chain Hill this morning, still present 10:00....

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 14th August
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 6 Spotted Flycatcher: 500m north of hill. Spotted Flycatcher: on north side of hill. 3 Willow Warbler: field north of hill. Yellow Wagtail: flew north. Hobby: catching dragonflies north of hill. Paul Chandler...

Watlington Hill 11th August Silver Spotted Skippers...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 8th August
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 5 Spotted Flycatcher: 500m north of the hill. Redstart: 500m north of hill. Willow Warbler: 500m north of hill. Willow Warbler: on the hill. Garden Warbler: in the hedgerow to the west. Cholsey Hobby Paul Chandler...

