Cranes at Otmoor

Some shots of the Otmoor Cranes courtesy of Simon Dowell
Begbroke: Spring Hill: 28th October
Courtesy of Simon Dowell Short-eared Owl Perched in tree then quartering grassy field at dusk. SP463128. 17:10. Grey Partridge Heard calling Simon Dowell ...
Otmoor April 21st Am
2 Common Cranes over reserve - Seen dropping over hedge around the flood field area 1pm 5 Ruff - Noke Sides, 2 on Big Otmoor 5 Little Egret 2 Cettis Warblers - Calling towards second screen and near cattle pens 1 Grasshopper Warbler - heard calling...
Otmoor: Rspb Reserve: 8th April
2 Marsh Harrier (m/f skydiving over Reedbeds) 1 Sparrowhawk (over CP Field) 1 Peregrine 1 Merlin (Otmoor Lane). 2 Little-ringed Plover 2 Oystercatcher 1 Green Sandpiper 1 Ruff 2 Dunlin (Ashgrave) 1 Curlew (calling, Greenaways) 6+Snipe 1 Water Rail (H)...
Cranes On Otmoor 26th March
Two Cranes have been been seen again this morning in the Otmoor area. The birds are very mobile and flighty and if you are lucky enough to see them please keep your distance and be aware that at this time of year all the fields hold breeding...
Common Cranes 25th March
3 Common Cranes flew North over Farmoor Reservoir at about 18:15 (per Ian Smith) 2 Common Cranes were then seen to land at Otmoor RSPB at 19:15 with a third bird circling before all three headed off N/E. (per Bark) 5 Little Gulls at Farmoor on F1 this...