Cholsey 4th Nov

Cholsey 4th Nov

2 Tawny Owl
20+ Skylark
6 Meadow Pipit
6 Fieldfare
2 Yellowhammer
1 Reed Bunting
1 Sparrowhawk
1 Kestrel
several Red Kites & Buzzards
5 Roe Deer
(local patch rather quiet)

- Cholsey 30th Nov
116 Lapwing 23 Golden Plover 4 Teal 2 Peregrine (took a Grey Partridge) Kestrel 14 (13) Grey Partridge 200+ each Fieldfare & Redwing 1 Cormorant (overhead) 4 Bullfinch 6 Yellowhammer 2 Jay 2-300 LBB Gulls 100+ BH Gulls 1 Reed Bunting 2 Skylark 1 Great-spot...

- Cholsey 26th Nov
♀ Merlin 1 Kestrel 18 Golden Plover 1 Lapwing 1 Common Snipe 12 Yellowhammer 2 Bullfinch several Siskin overhead 200+ each of Redwing & Fieldfare 10 Skylark 3 Reed Bunting 1 Great-spot A few each of Song & Mistle Thrush. c20 Blackbird Good nos...

- Stonesfield Common 21st Nov
Fieldfare 81 Redwing 64 Marsh Tit 2 Red Kite 2 Goldfinch 11 Reed Bunting Yellowhammer Skylark 2 Goldcrest...

- Cholsey, 10th Nov
200+ Fieldfare 50+ Redwing 30+ Blackbird (usually only 5 or 6) 5 Song Thrush (normally 1) 1 Tufted Duck (unusual record for my patch) 4 Bullfinch 7 Stock Dove 3 Reed Bunting 6 Yellowhammer 100+ Goldfinch (in 2 hours) + a few Chaffinch & Greenfinch....

- Cholsey, 17th Sep 2010
2 Whinchat Grey Wagtail 6 Chiffchaff5 Corn Bunting 8 Reed Bunting6 Meadow Pipit (1st autumn records on local patch) Peregrine Local House Martin families have left today. (2 nests)...

