Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve: 19th August

Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve: 19th August

Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve
Swift: A single bird circling high over the marsh, south side. SU5985.

Mike Amphlett

- Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve: 2nd May
Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve Cuckoo: Heard by my other half, I'm sure she knows what a Cuckoo sounds like, so I'm happy to enter the record! First of year. SU603858. 15:00. Mike Amphlett...

- Cholsey Lollingdon Hill 25th September
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 2 Raven: Flew south. Wheatear 3 Chiffchaff Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve Peregrine: flew south. (Paul Chandler) Cholsey Wildlife...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 24th April
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 7 Wheatear Yellow Wagtail: flyover. Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve Whitethroat Cholsey Shelduck: found by Bob Wyatt. Paul Chandler...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 10th April
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 4 Wheatear Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve Cetti's Warbler Willow Warbler: singing south end of marsh. Water Rail: heard calling. Paul Chandler Cholsey Wildlife...

- Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill: 4th April
Cholsey: Lollingdon Hill 2 Wheatear 100 Meadow Pipit: c100. Cholsey: Cholsey Marsh Nature Reserve Cetti's Warbler Paul Chandler Cholsey Wildlife...

