Chadlington: 19th May

Chadlington: 19th May

Quail: calling male. One calling male near Lower Court Carp Lakes. SP321212.

William Lishman

- Otmoor 28th June
Quail male calling from The Closes at 7:20pm (per RBA) Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android ...

- Chadlington: 21st March
Chadlington 6 Raven: per Niall Burman (apologies for late posting). Stephen Akers...

- Otmoor 13th June
Corncrake still calling from Greenaways 19:20 (per Clackers) still on Greenaways this morning at 5a.m (heard only) (per Dave Lowe) Still calling on Greenaways at 11:45 (heard only) (per Dave Daniells) Still calling about 100 yards west of the bench...

- Blewbury And Nr Ashbury 10th July
2 Quail calling from field on right of track from Woodway to Ridgeway. Also 4 singing Corn Bunting. Another 2 possibly 3 Quail calling from fields nr Ashbury plus at least 6 Yellow Wagtail and 50 Lapwing...

- Burford Quail: 17th May
Quail 1 male 1ml north of Burford by A424 in fields around Taynton / Milton under Wychwood crossroads calling intermittently 00.20 to 01.00am at least. Dave Morgan...

