Bodicote 18th Dec

Siskin 1
Bullfinch 8
Reed bunting 2
Yellowhammer 5
Goldfinch 50+
Redwing 25+
Fieldfare 2
Great spotted woodpecker 1
Snow 15cm
Balscote Quarry 30th January
Little owl 1 Tree sparrow 30+ Yellowhammer 20+ Reed bunting 2 Snipe 2 Golden plover 20
Waxwings Banbury/bodicote 19th Dec
14 waxwings still in Cedar Close in Banbury and another 4 in Bodicote on Keyser Road (I am currently watching them as I type!). Apologies for another waxwing photo (there are more on my blog) ...
Stonesfield Common
Great Spotted Woodpecker Green Woodpecker Red Kite 1 Marsh Tit 2 Redwing 80+ Fieldfare 40+ Little Grebe 2(on evenlode) Bullfinch 2 Teal (on evenlode) Waxwing (H) Also Brambling and Blackcap in the garden today...
Banbury Waxwings
11 of yesterdays Waxwings. Hopefully the Bodicote birds will stay a couple more days so that I can get them on my garden list. More (bad) photos (ie nowhere near as good as those below!) at
Cholsey 24th Nov
200+ each Redwing & Fieldfare 16 Song Thrush 50+ Blackbird 5 Mistle Thrush 16 Yellowhammer 3 Lapwing 1 LBB Gull 100+ BH Gull 1 Red-leg 50+ Pheasant 2 Skylark 3 Reed Bunting 1 Green & 3 Great-spotted Woodpecker c10 Siskin 2 Bullfinch 2 Jay A few...