Blenhiem Park 17th August

Blenhiem Park 17th August

Goosander (f)
Common Sandpiper 1+
Yellow Wagtail

(per Dave Doherty)

- Port Meadow 4th February
Peregrine (imm) Shelduck 7 Pintail 6 Goosander 3 Yellow-legged Gull Siskin (per Dave Doherty)...

- Rushy Common 4th October
Egyptian Geese Rushy Common by Badger. Peregrine Green Sandpiper Egyptian Geese 2 Yellow-legged Gull 3+ Dix Pit Red-crested Pochard 11+ Wigeon 300+ Egyptian Geese 2 Cetti's Warbler (per Dave Doherty) Wheatear 2 (per Dave Doherty) (Andy Last &...

- Port Meadow 16th April
3 Oystercatcher 8 Black-tailed Godwit 19:30 2 Common Tern 1 Whitethroat 2 Yellow Wagtail 2 Little Ringed Plover 1 Ringed Plover (Adam Hartley, Pete Roby & Dave Doherty)...

- Ardington 12th April
Common Sandpiper: SU430881. (Leo Bateman) Common Sandpiper along the Thames at The Rose Revived (per Dave Doherty)...

- Grimsbury Reservoir: 17th August
Dunlin Common Sandpiper 4 Yellow Wagtail (1 ad) (per Clive Payne) 6 Swifts 40+ hirundines (fairly even mix) Balscote Quarry 15th August 3 Greenshank (per logbook) Also up to 17 Tree Sparrows recently...

