Blenheim Park 9th July

Blenheim Park 9th July

Spotted Flycatcher 4+ (2+juv)
Shelduck 2
Goosander (f) recently

(per Dave Doherty)

- Port Meadow 25th February
Shelduck 2 Redshank 7 Dunlin Pintail 5 Shoveler (per Dave Doherty)...

- Port Meadow 4th February
Peregrine (imm) Shelduck 7 Pintail 6 Goosander 3 Yellow-legged Gull Siskin (per Dave Doherty)...

- Stanton Harcourt/hardwick 5th January
No sign of the Slavonian Grebe on Pit 10 by 09:30 (per Dave Doherty). Goosander (m)...

- Blenheim Park 23rd November
Shelduck 2 Pintail 2 Yellow-legged Gull Water Rail Cetti's Warbler recently (per Dave Doherty)...

- Port Meadow 16th March
Shelduck 12 Redshank 4 Oystercatcher 3 Goosander 5 Pintail 4 Yellow-legged Gull 2 Raven (per Dave Doherty)...

