Blenheim Combe Gate 15th January

Blenheim Combe Gate 15th January

Redpoll 9
Just inside Combe Gate to the left


- Blenheim 24th January
2 Pintail 38 Gadwall 210 Mallard Snipe Queen Elizabeth Island 28 Grey Heron: At least 9 active nest platforms. 13:00. Woodstock: Sansoms Farm 23rd Jan Barn Owl: daylight hunting. 15:00. Bob Pomfret Combe Gate Mistle Thrush 3 Song Thrush at least...

- Blenheim / Witney Lake, 3rd November
Blenheim, Combe End Redpoll x 2 Raven Redwing 2 large flocks each over 100 Witney Lake Siskin c20+ Goldfinch c40+ Redpoll x3 Grey Wagtail Large tit flock alongside river Windrush including at least 6 Goldcrests Chiffchaff Kingfisher Clackers...

- Blenheim: Combe Gate: 10th April
Blenheim: Combe Gate Hawfinch Jeremy Blakey...

- Blenheim 21st February
Brambling 3+ still with large Chaffinch flock from road between Combe gate entrance and the main bridge. (per Jon Prowse) Sent with AquaMail for Android

- Blenheim Park 9th February
Brambling 2 with large Chaffinch flock approx 200 metres before main bridge, left side of road coming from Combe Gate. (per Clackers) Sent with AquaMail for Android

