Bicester Wetland Reserve

Bicester Wetland Reserve

2 Water Rail showing well from tower hide
2 Little Grebe
50 Teal
3 Gadwall
2 Heron

Alan Peters

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 9th January
Teal 200 Shoveler 2 Gadwall 2 Little Egret Water Rail showing very well from the main hide (per Alan Peters) Nb: Access to the reserve requires a key available through membership        of the Banbury Ornithological Society Water...

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 7th July
Black-tailed Godwit Green Sandpiper 3 Lapwing 17 Grey Heron 4 Little Egret Teal 2 Gadwall 4 Garden Warbler (per Alan Peters) Nb:Access to the reserve requires a key....

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 24th May
Red Necked Phalarope, found at 14:30 by the reserve warden Alan Peters and still showing well on main scrape from tower hide at 20:00. Please only park in car park near Tower Hide and view from Tower hide. Key holder reserve but gate will be open until...

- Bicester Wetlands Reserve 6th February
Water Rail courtesy of Alan Peters Water Rail 2                                                           ...

- Bicester Wetland Reserve 28th July

