Bewick's Swans Berinsfield 2nd Jan

Bewick's Swans Berinsfield 2nd Jan

6 Bewick's with Mutes at Berinsfield. Take the road towards Drayton St Leonard and they
are at SU584956 - or at least were at 4pm this afternoon.
(per Tom Stevenson Oxonbirds)

More at

- Dorchester: Dorchester Complex: 17th October
15 Egyptian Goose 113 Golden Plover Thomas Stevenson More here...

- Bewick's Swans Nr Berinsfield 10th Jan
6 Bewick's Swan 9 Mute Swan Still between Berinsfield and Drayton St Leonard 08.08 (per Ian Smith)...

- Dorchester 5th Jan 1.45 P.m
The 6 Bewick's Swans were still with Mute Swans in the field next to the road to Drayton st.leonard this afternoon. 10 Common gull and 2 Goldeneye on Drayton pit....

Six Bewick's swans still in field beside road to Drayton St. Leonard. Two Goldeneye at Drayton Road pit One redhead Smew seen at Allen pit, along with numerous Wigeon and Coot, plus Tufted Ducks, Gadwall, Great Crested Grebe, Cormorant and Mute...

- Ewelme
The Little Egret has returned to the Watercress Beds and seems to favour the area just upstream of the Road Bridge by the Shepherds Hut. To keep up with my Ewelme sightings, with others from nearby take a look at my blog at:

