Beckley: 6th February

Beckley: 6th February

OTHER SPECIES: A little while ago there was mention on the Oxon Bird Log about Reeve's Pheasants on Otmoor. I'd not seen any in the area before, but there was one waiting in the snow outside Folly Farm on Common Road, Beckley, to greet me this morning as I arrived at work.

Joe Harris

- Beckley 16th July
Spotted Flycatcher Beckley Churchyard (per Phil Barnett)...

- Otmoor 13th July
Marsh Harrier 2 (per Bark) Turtle Dove 2+ Hobby 2 Evening: Kingfisher 1 Turtle Dove 2 Snipe 6+ (per Andy Last) Kestrel photo courteseyof Andy Last. Nb: The road through Beckley village is currently closed due to roadworks but the reserve can still...

- Beckley: 31st May
Beckley Little Owl: on pole at a corner on B4027; flew off into tree in field. Bill Trumble...

- Otmoor Tuesday 15th
As previously reported the bittern was seen again today. It was seen by volunteers as they drove down the diagonal track. Views should be possibly from the bridleway, as this is the second report now of the bird on Greenaways. A merlin was spotted flying...

- Otmoor 6th December
Greenaways Merlin 1 male bearded tit along diagonal track in reed fringed ditch Abingdon Arms Beckley Visitor to reserve claimed to have seen waxwings in car park (not confirmed)...

