Ashbury: Odstone Hill: 6th May

Ashbury: Odstone Hill: 6th May

Ashbury: Odstone Hill
8 Corn Bunting

Mark Merritt

- Devil's Punchbowl: 12th September
Merlin: f. 5 Whinchat 2 Stonechat 2 Wheatear 3 Corn Bunting 3 Yellow Wagtail Willow Warbler (Mark Merritt) Lark Hill late morning. Wheatear f Lesser Whitethroat Chiffchaff c5 Siskin c10 (Leo & Badger)...

- Ashbury: 3rd July
Ashbury 2 Corn Bunting: Singing. 18:30. Jonathan Mercer...

- Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill: 9th November
Letcombe Bassett: Gramps Hill Corn Bunting Brambling Mark Merritt...

- Ashbury: 10th June
Ashbury 5 Corn Bunting Mark Merritt...

- Goingbirding: 21st May
Ashbury 23 Corn Bunting: Ridgeway and environs, 16 singing males. 2 Grey Partridge: Ridgeway and environs. 2 Yellow Wagtail Gavin Paterson...

