Appleton 17th December

Appleton 17th December

No sign of the Great Grey Shrike today from footpath off Eaton Road (per Debbie White).
Short-eared Owl yesterday (per Alex White).

- Stanton Harcourt/hardwick 22nd January
Great Grey Shrike south of B4449 In scrub adjacent to Pits 3-4 west of access road to West Oxford Sailing Club at 15:08 (per Dave Doherty). Please keep to public footpath....

- Otmoor 27th October
Great-grey Shrike courtesy of TezzerGreat-grey Shrike in Julys Meadow 13:50 but no further sign 15:00-dusk (per Terry Sherlock) Digiscoped shot of the Great grey shrike in Julys Meadow today courtesy of the RSPB          ...

- East Hendred 5th April
Great Grey Shrike 2/3 mile west of Bury Down car park by gallops 14:00 Short-eared Owl 2 (per RBA)...

- South Leigh: 20th March
Great Grey Shrike Still present in the bushes north of the footpath east of the road just south of Green farm. John Edwards...

- South Leigh March 18
Great Grey Shrike 1 from 0830 to at least 1000 (with grateful thanks to Sally for putting out the news) Hen Harrier 1 Red Kite 2 Common Buzzard 8+ Common Kestrel 2 2 Short-eared Owl (Thomas Stevens) Directions for the Shrike Take the road from the A40...

