Appleford 2nd December

Appleford 2nd December

Iceland Gull (2ndw)
Caspian Gull (prob) see Ian's post from 30th Gulls at Appleford
Both on the Spit pit mid afternoon.
View only from Car.

photo (c) Lew

- Appleford: 7th February
Appleford Iceland Gull: The Iceland Gull from yesterday was seen from the cycleway as given in the ' White winged Gulls' post from yesterday. This is nearer to Appleford than Sutton Courtenay. Sorry for the confusion. John Edwards...

- Appleford 30th January
Caspian Gull (1stw) again in field near Appleford level crossing at 12:40. (per Terry Tossel) Iceland Gull (2ndw) still (per Lew)...

- Iceland Gull 7th December
Iceland Gull (2ndw) On the Spit Pit 12:15 to 12:45. (Simon Bradfield) And again 14:00-15:45p.m (Badger) + Yellow-legged Gull (ad) 8 Common Gull Radley Iceland Gull (2ndw) 16:05 amongst the Thrupp Lake roost....

- Appleford 3rd February

- 4th December: Appleford Glaucous Gull
Jason Coppock has texted to say that there's a Glaucous gull (prob. 2nd winter) currently on the Spit Pit at Appleford. NB the level crossing is currently out of action so you need to approach from the Didcot end The bird flew off from the pit shortly...

