Alkerton: 3rd January

Alkerton: 3rd January

Great Grey Shrike Still present, but elusive in very windy conditions! In disused quarry
(Gareth Blockley)

Merlin: m. In field adjacent to old quarry on a kill.
(Mark Ribbons)

- Balscote Quarry 21st January
Great Grey Shrike Balcote Quarry Reserve late morning then flew towards the disused quarry near Alkerton....

- Alkerton/balscote 5th January
Great Grey Shrike still 5mls WNW of Banbury and 3/4ml NW of Balscote at disused quarry at 10:10am.Take A422 from Banbury then take 1st left after Balscote Quarry turn signed to Alkerton and view quarry from double gates on right. (per RBA) Still present...

- Alkerton/balscote 4th January
Great Grey Shrike still 5mls WNW of Banbury and 3/4ml NW of Balscote at disused quarry at 14:15. Take A422 from Banbury then take 1st left after Balscote Quarry turn signed to Alkerton and view quarry from double gate on right or from public footpath....

- Balscote 23rd November
Great Grey Shrike Great Grey Shrike again between Balscote and Alkerton 13:50-14:20 About here Take A422 from Banbury then take the first left after the Balscote Quarry turn signed to Alkerton. View quarry from first set of double gates...

- Alkerton: 17th November
Great Grey Shrike still present Alkerton/Balscote Quarry area c. 12:00 seen by Clive Payne at Two Tims Farm near road c. 13:35 seen by me between the tip and disused quarry here Also Raven, 20 Teal, 4 Wigeon, Siskin, several Snipe and Tree Sparrows. ...

