Abingdon's Leucictic Starlings 28th May

Abingdon's Leucictic Starlings 28th May

The White (leucistic) Starling, which has been visiting my garden since 2008 and has bred on three previous 
occasions, has now bred to produce two white offspring. 

I first saw the three birds yesterday (27th May) and finally succeeded in getting a photo of all three 
together, this afternoon.

All photos courtesey of Mike Flemming
More of Mike's superb wildlife pictures at Mike Flemming's Natural History Photos

- Otmoor. 16th. February.
Late afternoon, when the rain finally stopped; White Fronted Geese.   3. Peregrine.      2. Marsh Harrier.     1, probably 2. Sparrow Hawk.    2 views. Snipe.    ...

Abingdons leucistic Starling family filmed by Mike Flemming. See and read Mike's full account of these beautiful birds that have been visiting his Abingdon garden for several years Here...

The Leucistic Starling bred again in Abingdonthis year. photo courtesey of Mike Flemming.  ...

 Sprawk Abingdon (c) Mike Flemming Mike Flemming's Natural History Photos...

- Otmoor 6th December
Hen Harrier (ringtail) Quartering the Closes between carpark and the hide. 3 Short-eared Owl  Probably 4 or 5 present over Greenaways, Closes and back of reedbeds. Raven: 1 or 2 present. Terry Tossell photos (c) Mike Flemming Mike Flemming's...

