1st December Rushey Common

1st December Rushey Common

Goldeneye 3 m 1f
Golden Plover c60 over
Siskin 3 along bridle path opp. Rushey car park


- Rushey Common Area/ Witney 24th November
Rushey Common area Redpoll 2 Green Sandpiper Snipe Yellowhammers 2m Egyptian Geese 2 Siskin Edge of Witney sewage works Grey Wagtail Witney Lake Kingfisher 2 Little Egret Chiffchaff 2 Grey Wagtail Clackers ...

- 8th July Rushey Common
The Great White Egret is currently on the Grassy Lake next to the Tar Lake at Rushey Common. Now on near bank just over hedge 10:30 a.m. Also at Rushey Common: 2 Green Sandpipers 1 Common Sandpiper (per Keith Clack). Rushey Common Nature Reserve is...

- Stanton Harcourt 25th August
Ruff 14 Dunlin 1 Common Sandpiper 3 (Rushey C) Green Sandpiper (Rushey C) Lapwing 600+ Red-crested Pochard 5 Yellow-legged Gull 5...

- Tar Lakes & Rushey 4th August
Tar Lakes: 2 Green Sandpipers. Rushey: 2 Common Sandpipers, 4 Oystercatchers and Kingfisher. Per Clackers 2 Red-crested Pochard 2 Little Egret (Badger)...

- Peregrine & Hobby 29th August
Near Wadley Manor south east of Faringdon Peregrine over the nearby sand pits later from the Rushey Common hide Hobby hunting in front of the hide across the water over South Leigh bridle track....

